Politics News Posts: 4232-4193

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4232Feb 10th, 2014Theater WinnerVesteran World StageEveryone
4231Feb 10th, 2014Prestige WinnersWorld LibraryEveryone
4230Feb 10th, 2014The Ikon Tournament of 375 CoEJal Czigany, the WandererEveryone
4229Feb 10th, 2014Election #199211 ResultsEveryone
4228Feb 9th, 2014Political Upheaval in the Village of ShanthmarkEveryone
4227Feb 9th, 2014Political Upheaval in the Village of PaavikEveryone
4226Feb 9th, 2014Aslaran-Krokani FeudEveryone
4225Feb 9th, 2014Xypher Honoured in the Holy Grand Duchy of GaudiguchEveryone
4224Feb 8th, 2014Election #66215 ResultsEveryone
4223Feb 8th, 2014Election #12693 ResultsEveryone
4222Feb 7th, 2014Rawne Honoured in the Grand Empire of MagnagoraEveryone
4221Feb 6th, 2014Steingrim Honoured in the Holy Grand Duchy of GaudiguchEveryone
4220Feb 6th, 2014Election #153774 ResultsEveryone
4219Feb 6th, 2014Election #4915 ResultsEveryone
4218Feb 5th, 2014Election #190235 ResultsEveryone
4217Feb 3rd, 2014D'Cente Family Change of StatusEveryone
4216Feb 3rd, 2014Election #165247 ResultsEveryone
4215Feb 3rd, 2014Election #189452 ResultsEveryone
4214Feb 2nd, 2014The Ring of Wasting Dissolution Energies StabiliseEveryone
4213Feb 2nd, 2014The Silent Ring of Lost Stones Energies StabiliseEveryone
4212Feb 2nd, 2014The Ring of Shattered Solace Energies StabiliseEveryone
4211Feb 2nd, 2014Aether Flares Around the Cankermore Battlegrounds, the Dramube Triangle, and MucklemarshEveryone
4210Feb 2nd, 2014Political Upheaval in the Village of RikenfriezEveryone
4209Feb 2nd, 2014Rikenfriez Blizzard!Everyone
4208Feb 1st, 2014Election #189749 ResultsEveryone
4207Feb 1st, 2014Maligorn Honoured in the Grand Province of HallifaxEveryone
4206Jan 30th, 2014Election #193089 ResultsEveryone
4205Jan 29th, 2014The Ikon Tournament of 374 CoEJal Czigany, the WandererEveryone
4204Jan 29th, 2014Covenant formed between the Shofangi Guild and the Hartstone Guildthe Shofangi GuildEveryone
4203Jan 28th, 2014Election #69701 ResultsEveryone
4202Jan 25th, 2014Political Upheaval in the Village of TalthosEveryone
4201Jan 25th, 2014Political Upheaval in the Village of DairuchiEveryone
4200Jan 25th, 2014Dairuchi CelebrationsEveryone
4199Jan 25th, 2014Ayi Honoured in the Holy Grand Duchy of New CelestEveryone
4198Jan 24th, 2014Election #77279 ResultsEveryone
4197Jan 23rd, 2014Election #111176 ResultsEveryone
4196Jan 21st, 2014The Ring of Spare Parts Energies StabiliseEveryone
4195Jan 21st, 2014The Twisted Ring of Fallen Dreams Energies StabiliseEveryone
4194Jan 21st, 2014Aether Flares Around the Bubble of Bottledowns and the FacilityEveryone
4193Jan 19th, 2014Election #93090 ResultsEveryone

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