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Public News Post #1800

Trialante, the Untamed Muse

Written by: Chaplain of the Damned, Marcella n'Lochli, Black Fist of Urlach
Date: Monday, July 3rd, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Serenwilde. For a community that prides itself on keeping things the
same as they have always been, I am disappointed that you would indulge
the Voice of Trialante's stupidity. And stupidity it is! Consider this
line of logic, if you would. The Voice of Trialante became wistful for
Her sister Rhesileni. She merged with a mortal sileni from the Wheel.
This isn't new, we've seen this with the Voice of Crys and the Voice of
Gullagumbah. So the sileni returned to the past...with the Voice. The
sileni are extinct now. There are only spectres remaining - trapped in
their barrows because the wheel of reincarnation for their species has
been stopped entirely.

If the Voice went to the past, obviously *something* happened to it.
Hallifax would know more about paradoxes, but from my laymen's
understanding this is still an incredible problem. This Cleise is not
one of the two spectres that remain. Therefore, Cleise died in the
Vernal Wars. Who was hunting the Sileni for being shards of a Keeper of
Song? Zenos. You have allowed Trialante to deliver Her voice directly to
the *time period where the Voices were the MOST at risk*, and allowed
Her not just to return to that terrible time, but in the garb of one of
Zenos' prime targets! Even now, Zenos may have spontaneously generated
the strength to begin escaping from the Ice Havens because of the utter
idiocy of Trialante that you failed to restrain!

I have checked upon the Pit of Darkness myself, and it seems as it has
always been - but there will likely be grave problems in the future. I
dearly hope that Zenos has not devoured the Voice, but I find it very
likely. If you have any care to try and right what you've done, you must
*find the Voice* and set our minds at rest. Again, I am completely
disappointed - and I believe most of the Basin should be, as well. You
have failed all of us.

---Chaplain of the Damned, Marcella n'Lochli

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Roarkian, in the year 477 CE.

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