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Public News Post #1784

Lady Isune's Favour for Seal of Beauty Winners

Written by: Archmage Irillia Shevat
Date: Tuesday, January 31st, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings, Basin,

On behalf of Lady Isune, the Aesthete, I would like to announce that She
will be offering Her favour to all those who win, place, or earn an
honourable mention in the upcoming Seal of Beauty challenge. The
inspiration and creation of Beauty falls naturally within the purview of
the Lady Aesthete, who has sought to beautify and purify Lusternia since
before the beginning of the Elder Wars. It is Her desire to further
recognise and honour those mortals who also create works of singular
beauty in defence of the Basin of Life.

The winner of the Seal of Beauty challenge will be awarded with Lady
Isune's truefavour, which will last six months. Those who earn second,
third, fourth, or fifth place will receive a three-month truefavour from
the Lady Aesthete. Finally, anyone who is listed as an honourable
mention for the Seal of Beauty will receive a one-month truefavour.
Additionally, for any Hallifaxians who place in the Seal of Beauty
challenge, the duration of the awarded favour will be doubled.

May this promise of Her favour further encourage and inspire the artists
of the Basin to reach new heights of imagination, creativity, and beauty
amidst this time of turmoil and crisis.

In service,
Irillia Shevat
The Lady's Renaissance

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Klangiary, in the year 465 CE.

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