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Public News Post #1770

Move on.

Written by: Karlach Stormcrow, Master of the Bloodhunt
Date: Friday, October 7th, 2016
Addressed to: Warlady Rideta Feyranti, of the Gaping Maw


You seek to claim that which your city so foolishly discarded, like a
child wanting back a toy they threw away upon seeing another play with
it, or a jilted wretch seeing their former lover in the arms of another.

There is a feeling of remorse, of regret, of wishing you could turn back
the time and do things differently, but it is not in those who left. It
is in the city that allowed them to leave with such little, if any, work
to convince them otherwise.

My youth was spent as a cog in the Engine, decades trying to learn and
grow whilst suffocating in a toxic cloud of apathy and petty quarreling,
I knew my future lay outside of Magnagora if I were to ever be more than
another jaded wretch gathering before the Megalith. My departure was
greeted with indifference at best, a few cynical sneers at most from
those who believed the loss was nothing, another child to wander off
into the first world and live a quiet life somewhere. It was in the
Glomdoring that others saw my potential, it was in their teachings and
the strength of the Wyrd that I grew and became stronger. Suddenly those
voices so quick to dismiss me suddenly jumped to claim me, as though
their child was stolen from them, not freely surrendered without so much
as a care given.

My story is not a unique one in this instance, those who have left did
so not because they were tempted, or they were promised glory. They
escaped to be free of a culture that wasted opportunity after
opportunity and sought to blame the world for their own miserable
failures. They left because they would rather take the risk of the
unknown than continue to bash their heads against the wall as their work
was continually undone by those who should have been their greatest

Perhaps if your efforts to claim that which is long lost were spent on
retaining and developing the potential you have, you may not have to
embarass yourself with such a thinly veiled plea again in future.

After all, what is gained if not through adversity. What prize truly
feels won without effort?

Build the Engine's strength through your own work, instead of hoping to
lure away the efforts of others.

Good luck.

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Avechary, in the year 453 CE.

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