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Public News Post #1765

Being afflicted with skinrot

Written by: Sister Cicara, Supplicant of Humility
Date: Friday, August 26th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone


I post this as both warning and possibly a help to those studying and
attempting to create a cure as I am told the cures are not available as

I found myself set upon out of the Cassis Gate of New Celest, by several
insects, being a Kephera I found it distressing I was not impervious
with my exoskeleton to reject such things and equally to find my way
west blocked by an impenetrable jungle. Given my species and race, I
would have thought nothing of that nature could deter me in any way. I
then struck upon the idea of using the waterways and this proved to be a
brilliant thought as I could move freely to where I endeavored to go.

But the roadways, once I again in the Razines I attempted to travel
upon, and thereby had the misfortune to be attacked by this shadegeist
mosquito and have also contracted this "skinrot". I am most perplexed
being possessed of an exoskeleton and hard carapace how they would be
able to penetrate and give me a most human like affliction, perhaps as
the many hives, wax and honeycomb suggest, I am more alike to the bees
than the ants, I confess to much identity crisis as a Kephera in that

After conferring with my city, Romaan suggested I not habitate in New
Celest and seek refuge elsewhere until such time as a cure is made
available. I will not seek out my Ankhmet Hive as I would not bring this
disgusting rot to any of my hivemates. I would suggest to those trying
to create a cure if they are needing to trap these mosquitoes perhaps
the honeycombs and wax could be used to divise traps for these insects.

Until such time as cures can be made, I will seek to live among the
undead as surely this disease would be rendered unspreadable there.

I beseech Lord Weiwae, of the Golden Heart, to aid those healers trying
to find a rememdy and hope it will be done until I am wasted to nothing
and am no more. Brother Alagos is also afflicted I believe.

In humility,

Sister Princess Cicara of the Tahtetso and Ankhmet Hive.

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Urlachmar, in the year 450 CE.

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