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Public News Post #1650

A Revelation

Written by: Lord Brona Feyranti, Prophet of Nil
Date: Tuesday, May 20th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

Tidings from the Forbidden,

There was a time long ago when His Faithful resided in every
organization within the Basin. More importantly, there was respect for
the Elder God that prizes knowledge above all else. I now understand
just how much has changed in my absence.

I see that over the course of seven months, not a single gold coin was
offered. The essence which was offered is an embarrassment. Apparently
none wish to wear His favour upon their mortal form.

I am unsure, however, as to the cause of this event. Do those who reside
within the Basin not care for the mysteries that surround us? Do the
Children of the Basin only care for that which is new and shiny? Or is
the answer something more simple, yet sinister, in that these
inhabitants only care for themselves presently where before we were
concerned with something greater?

Even more disheartening is that not a single person among all of you did
not even ask to learn more of Lord Raezon.

I direct this to all of you who inhabit the Basin. Regardless of where
you live or who you serve. God, Goddess, Demon, or Angel. Rise up to be
more than a blind follower of doctrine. Discover what it is you support
and what it means.

Within my home city of Magnagora, there has been a new philosophy of
every citizen being a cog. This is ignorance at best, and stupidity at
worst. None of you are the same as another and each of you bring
something unique to your organizations.

Seek, discover, learn, and grow. If you do not want to be seen as just
another interchangeable slave, do not allow yourself to be.

I wish you all the enlightenment that all deserve, yet few find. I will
turn my attentions to His Fellowship and maybe some of this flock will
seek His wisdom in the future.

Lord Feyranti

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Shanthin, in the year 383 CE.

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