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Public News Post #1564

A Divine Contest

Written by: Hierophant Gabriella Myeras, Blossoming Hope
Date: Monday, December 10th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings to you, Basin.

It is my pleasure to announce, on behalf of my Lady Maylea, the Bloom of
Serenity and Her Order, that we are hosting a contest that is open to
the entire Basin at large. The competition is simple enough, and some of
you elders of the Basin may remember it from a long time past.

Craft a design of a flower that is unique and special, and write it upon
a letter. The design should follow the usual parameters that you might
submit to a cartel, with the exception of commodities, which you do not
need to include. Also, it may be any type of flower so long as the
species is included within the name; a morning glory, a lilac, a
sunflower - there are hundreds of possibilities! Once you have written
your name and design upon the letter, you may send it directly to Lady
Maylea via the post office.

Please remember to sign your name upon the page, for if a design is
chosen and its artist is not known, then that artist will find
themselves without a prize.

This contest opens with the posting of this announcement, and will close
in one year from today. You have until then to send in your designs.
There is no limit to the amount of entries you may send in, and the
contest is open to everyone.

The winners of this contest shall be hand-picked by Lady Maylea and
announced at the end of a year's time. These winners shall have the
honour of Her divine truefavour for a period of three months.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this contest, please
feel free to contact me via message or tell.

Good luck to you all!

Gabriella Myeras
Tiriel, Phrase of Serenity of Lady Maylea

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Roarkian, in the year 341 CE.

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