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Events News Post #251

The Flowering of Maylea

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Saturday, February 25th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone

After many years of growing up outside of the Serenwilde, a familiar
face wandered back into the forest. Allessa, the beloved child once at
the centre of a war between the orders of Nocht and Maylea, followed her
heart and the urge she felt to return to the Serenwilde to attend to
some important matter. The only trouble: what important matter was it?
Allessa did not know, nor did any of the gathered Serens. Sondayga,
Near, and Enyalida led the confused young woman to Bandrui for answers.

The mugwump seer was suspicious of the Serens, but greeted Allessa with
unusual warmth. When asked to cast the bones, Bandrui gladly agreed, but
her reaction was stark. She began to wail and shriek, trying to refuse
to share what she learned and entreating Allessa to flee the borders of
the Serenwilde and not return! Only Allessa's gentle persistence coaxed
out the truth. Whatever the matter was, it would mean the end of
Allessa's life. She could choose to walk away or choose the end.

What followed was a heartrending journey as the Serens helped Allessa to
find a sickly plant growing near the cairns. It was an inconsequential
little thing, or it seemed to be. What about curing a plant could be
worth the life of Allessa the Beloved? But it was Lavil who pulled the
situation into perspective by telling the frightened young woman that
she would not cease to exist, for all was connected. Enyalida Zayah
drove the point home by reminding her that they stood with the cairns of
those who gave their life in service to the forest.

And so Allessa the Beloved bid a final goodbye, kneeled before the
little plant, and gave her life for its renewal. To the surprise of
those gathered, the leaves reformed into another shape, that of a
toddling child no more than four years of age. The Serens rejoiced that
the life given was so quickly reincarnated, although they did not
question the means.

Through the coming months, the Serens watched over this child, who they
named Lisey. She grew fast. The laughing four year old carried in
Lavil's arms became a skinny seven year old who loved to play hide and
seek. And then suddenly the child was thirteen and not particularly
happy about it, overcome by a fit of angst regarding chores and
expectations. She was also enamoured of Beylke, a young druid, which his
girlfriend Radalise was perhaps less than pleased to learn.

Amid all of this, Mysrai manifested before the gathered Serens and
presented the child with a circlet of poppies. The girl seemed moved by
this gift, and shortly after aged several years, leaving behind her
rebellious phase. Lit by a new maturity and understanding, she entreated
that Radalise be called. Along with an apology, she whispered an
important secret into the woman's ear.

In excitement, Radalise and Lisey travelled with Aubrey and Lekius to
the fulcrux of Mysrai. The Lord-and-Lady manifested once more to present
little Lisey with a final gift, a gift that the girl was asking for.
Before those present, Mysrai dissolved the body of Lisey, and what rose
from the act was instead a goddess.

Maylea, Bloom of Serenity, had fallen into dreams within the Serenwilde,
unable to wake. Allessa provided a catalyst for Her return, but the
Goddess loved the child She had fought for so many years ago. She took a
mortal form, unwilling to release the last remnants of the woman who
died so that She might return to the Serenwilde. It was only with
sorrow, and Mysrai's help, that She was able to let go of the last
vestige of the mortal and become the Goddess once more.

As for why the Bloom of Serenity fell into dreams, and what She dreamt
for so many long years, none have asked, and the Goddess has not
volunteered to answer.

Penned by My hand on the 14th of Juliary, in the year 318 CE.

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