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Events News Post #231

A Small Homecoming in Zoaka

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Monday, October 24th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone

Bodha, a humble crafter of ceremonial pipes who had decided to spend
years in far off realms, researching and seeing creatures as well as
sights unseen by many, is now once again a resident of the Zoaka, where
he was born and raised. When his former location suddenly and
mysteriously shifted to a much more hostile and freezing weather
pattern, he saw the need to relocate or become merely a frozen corpse
rather than the craftsman of rather considerable skill he is known as.

The road home would not be easy for Bodha, however, as it soon dawned
upon him that his former home, a small cave of his own craft, had been
sealed off by magma beyond his control. Not exactly a regular
occurrence, but even once is regular enough to become a burden. Bodha
took to Gaudiguch and pleaded for help, a plea which was heard by its
citizenry, who also heard his tale of loss, and of the task in front of
him, seeking to create a new home at a very specific location in the
Zoaka. The people of Gaudiguch mobilized with haste, and even a few from
Magnagora joined the group and sought out the location in mount Zoaka of
which Bodha had spoken.

After many trials, including a rockeater not overly fond of volcanic
rock and a group of rather fiery kanzakage cousins to this magnificent
beast, Bodha finally managed to create his new home. He now sits in his
cave, where he offers a bounty on kanzakage, the above mentioned proud
cousin of the common rockeater. Bodha also shortly spoke about the elder
beastmaster Hraxri, also found in the Zoaka, who has problems involving
a very special lady...

Penned by My hand on the 21st of Roarkian, in the year 308 CE.

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