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Public News Post #3573


Written by: Larkin Athisia
Date: Saturday, December 16th, 2017
Addressed to: Sarrius Chytovil, the Spellscourge


I find shouts to be childish, so I will make this a bit more clear in a post, so I don't have to repeat myself. Nor do I plan to have a pissing contest with you over shouts.

Shout away, it still does not change fact you were attempting to destroy our allies, Antioch. Or fact you were thrown out the first time by Dimitri for same reason.

You declared war on Antioch, and it's not the first time you declared war on a council or city that didn't do as you wish. You are now declaring war on a council you claim you care about, Ithaqua. Yet, you didn't even know who was a citizen here or not, claiming Sadey was. (She isn't by the way.)

You have burned your bridges in most of the cities in this realm because if they do not do your agenda, you decide to work against them. I remember a Sarrius that was strictly anti-magick, and worked hard for it, since than you have declined into nothing more than a thug.

Men or women of character do not go against their beliefs. Yes, and I know all about you being against Antioch when they decided not to let Magick into their city. You were fighting in magick than yes? Have a good life, and good luck in trying to convince anyone that you mean them well. Because that only lasts as long as it suits you.

I've wasted enough of my time on you.


Penned by my hand on the 8th of Letum, in the year 152 AM.

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