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Public News Post #3566


Written by: Oystir Kyma'Dynesei
Date: Saturday, November 4th, 2017
Addressed to: Rei Lorianis, the Equinox


For the first time in decades your Council has finally taken part in.. well.. the realm. While Kinsarmar was your ally, under treaty, it was impossible for us to stir you into action or support that would strengthen our bonds of magick both through violence and through comraderie. You refused offers for skirmish raids, combat training alongside us, and have housed many citizens who actively opposed Kinsarmar's forces at raids and shardfalls inclusive.

You made it clear that your Council had intentions of reclaiming your tutor through force, but imagine my surprise to see that you allied with demonic AND anti-magick to accomplish this.

So all considered; that this was all started by a challenge from one of your councilors, and despite his leaving your organization, your first act as a council in decades is to attack Kinsarmar, AND that you thoroughly defied your own association laws to accomplish this, I must posit the question:

Do you stand for magick, or not?
Who are your allies?
Do you think it's the sandrats who helped you despite their cute march for purity? Or the mercenaries who feel sorry for you? Or us mean Kinsarmarians who decided not to tolerate another instance of your members interfering with us instead of standing by our side?

I'm curious for my own amusement, but I know the leaders of my city would be interested to know for more political purposes.


Penned by my hand on the 25th of Halitus, in the year 148 AM.

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