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Public News Post #3534

Further thoughts

Written by: Duchess Alvetta Krax'ai, The Vengeant Eye
Date: Monday, January 4th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Already some people have started to get worried because they helped the Shade and gave him few bones. Please do not worry, you will not be punished for what you did in the past before the city took a stance. Let?s just focus on what to do going forward.

Others are upset that we are forcing people to choose. As leaders and as a city we have to take a stance. We cannot have our citizens fighting each other in the field.

How did we come to this choice? The fact is that the Legion using its agent, the Shade, is trying to tear through the Rashirmir and bring plagues. If the word ?plagues? did not set off the alert in your head, then know that the Prime Material Plane is in danger. If something happens to that, this world as we know it, will cease to exist. It is a very big deal.

Antioch in their blind need for power, once again has allied with the dark side. We see how well that went with the Scourge King.

You do not have to fight. You do not have to help. We are asking that you do what you can, or do nothing, but please do not fight against the brothers of your city.
If you insist on assisting the Shade then please do not force us to cast you out. With much sorrow, I would ask you to willingly go help your allies in Antioch. You will not be enemied for leaving. The people who love you will be sad to see you go. Please talk to your loved ones and think long, before you make such a decision.

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Tenebrae, in the year 95 AM.

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