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Public News Post #3533

Unwelcome Statuses

Written by: Khizan Vladin
Date: Wednesday, December 16th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Many of you may notice that you're no longer unwelcome to Antioch. This is because the only reason for an organization to be unwelcome to a city is if that city is afraid of them.

We're not afraid of any of you.

If you're not enemied, you're welcome to enter the city. If you're enemied and don't want to be enemied, talk to me and maybe we can work something out.

I haven't decided all the laws and rules about guest status and magick and all that nonsense yet, so we'll go by this for the meantime:

1) If an Antiochian or an Ithaquan has a legitimate reason to kill you outside of the city, they'll be allowed to kill you inside of the city. This specifically includes Champion status and monoliths.
2) If you want to start a fight with a non-citizen, you can go for it. There's no such thing as "guest rights" here.
3) You can bring magick items inside the city with you. We don't care much at all about that anymore, and I don't expect you to deal with sigils and magick armor and other crap every time you want to enter the city for some reason.
4) If you actively use magick in front of a citizen or an Ithaquan and they have a problem with it, they can try to kill you. You're allowed to defend yourself and you won't be enemied if you win.
5) If you make a nuisance out of yourself, you will be enemied. If you make a spectacular nuisance of yourself, we will wait to enemy you until you are standing on top of the guards. This particular rule should be common sense, but I'm stating it here so that after I do this to somebody I can point them here when they start crying about "What law did I break?". This one. You broke this one.

Welcome to Antioch!


Penned by my hand on the 17th of Halitus, in the year 93 AM.

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