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Public News Post #3420


Written by: Lord Sagron Savet
Date: Thursday, January 5th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Antioch,

I too would like to contest Grandmistress Gelf for her position as Mukhtar, but I feel my grounds are far more compelling than the trivial concerns raised by my opponent. For too long, this city has been split by a schism. An ideological divide that turns friend against neighbor, brother against sister and lover against lover.

I refer of course to the snuggling versus cuddling debate that has so badly divided this city for so long. For centuries, I've sat idly by as the two camps grew further and further apart, leaders standing idly by and only the good people at pounce and fondle even trying to build bridges. The situation has grown so dire that the other month I was phased at the Shuk for thirty entire seconds before I saw a torrent of public displays of affection. Thirty. Seconds.

I'll give you a moment to let that sink in.

This city cries out for a leader. Elect me as Mukhtar and I pledge to lead a renaissance of snuggling, driving the misguided cuddling fanatics from your streets. I eagerly await my unanimous elevation to the ruling council.

Lord Sagron Savet

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Solis, in the year 656 AD.

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