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Announce News Post #3755

New Tradeskills: Fireworks, Papercrafting, and Apothecary

Written by: Jeremy
Date: Thursday, March 22nd, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

We've just loaded Imperian's newest and long-promised tradeskills.

Fireworks, Papercrafting, and Apothecary.

Papercrafting is the art of making paper, letters, and journals. Initially, the crafter can only create paper. Paper is used in the creation of the other papercrafting products. A transcendent crafter may create scrolls, letters, journals, books, and tomes.

Fireworks is the tradeskill of the pyrotechnic. The skill allows the practitioner to create a variety of fireworks, each one having a different effect. Some cause effects in the same room while others will be displayed across an entire area. Some fireworks allow the crafter to submit ansi art which may be seen in many rooms.

Apothecary is a skill which allows the user to mix a variety of ingredients to create oils, perfumes, soaps, candles, and a variety of cosmetic items.

You may find the help files for each of these new skills: HELP PAPERCRAFTING, HELP FIREWORKS, and HELP APOTHECARY.

All abilities are listed in AB PAPERCRAFTING, AB FIREWORKS, and AB APOTHECARY. The ability files are very extensive and should explain how each item works.

These new skills operate as any other tradeskill. You must create designs from existing patterns, submit them, and once approved, you may start making items based on those designs. (HELP TRADESKILLS)

Note on Bards:
Journals have been removed from the Bard skill of Artistry and is now in Papercrafting. All Bards have been given appropriate abilities in Papercrafting. If a Bard had the journal skill in Artistry, they now have transcendent Papercrafting.

Penned by my hand on the 12th of Halitus, in the year 159 AM.

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