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Announce News Post #3674

October #BugDay

Written by: Jeremy
Date: Wednesday, October 25th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Several bug fixes and changes today. Thank you to everyone that showed up with your bugs and ideas.

1. You can now ORDER PET RETURN TO INVENTORY for pets under 10 pounds.

2. Fixed the "The bloodbond ritual" quest, again.

3. Breabaen has moved to the Blue Knuckle Inn, where is he once again looking for crabs.

3. SIT, KNEEL, and LIE DOWN will no longer trigger autocuring if they are unforced. Be warned, this means if you sit down and then get into a fight, you will have to manually stand.

4. Tipslash and Piercejab in the Warding skillset, will now show the proper body part when being hit. Previously it would not display if you were using the targeting ability but it would display when using the inline command. It will now display in both instances.

5. The pumpkin seeds and pumpkin masks are no longer a random drop. Kill the Pumpkin King while you can. You have about a week left!

6. You can now do custom posing and item posing. See HELP POSING. Be warned, posing is logged and you can lose the ability to use the command if you abuse it.

7. You can now DASH <dir> <num of rooms>. Number of rooms specified must be 2 or greater.

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Aequitas, in the year 147 AM.

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