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Announce News Post #2741

July Sale

Written by: Jeremy
Date: Tuesday, July 1st, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

We are running a phylactery sale this month. We have added several unique items for this months sale. At the end of the month these items will be removed and we will shift back to the more standard items.

July Limited Edition Items
All phylacteries will now award with one of the following three items. These items are limited edition and will be removed at the end of the month. They can be traded on the promo market. These are pretty powerful, but they are all one shot items.
- Ethereal Rope
- Ethereal Shackles
- Ethereal Mirror

Ethereal Rope
ATTACH CORD TO <person>, and then you can PULL CORD to teleport to that person from anywhere. This is a one use item and will last 60 minutes. Good for allies and enemies. This will work through monolith and other movement prevention items and effects. Shackles will stop it.

Ethereal Shackles
SHACKLE <target>. Player cannot move by any means until death. This is a one use item and will last for 5 minutes. Nothing can move you, not even an entity.

Ethereal Mirror
LOOK INTO MIRROR AS <player>. You will have that players current skills for 8 hours. Keep in mind, if they decide to change profession or forget skills, you will as well. You cannot forget skills, learn, or change professions while using the mirror. This is a one use item. You can SHATTER VISAGE to stop copying the player. The target does not have to be online. This is a good tool for testing other classes, or just throwing different professions at your enemies.

Some skills may not work with the mirror. 99% of them should all work, but if you notice one ISSUE it and I will fix it.

New Assembly Item
We have only added one new assembly item this month.

Hunter's Lasso
- a length of stallion hair
- a length of mare hair
- a piece of leather rope
- a piece of cloth rope

This item will passively reduce lasso and befriending times by 33% when wielded. The lasso is not used up when capturing animals.

New Familiars
We have removed all of the old familiars and added eight new ones. The old ones may be returned in the future, but no promises.
- a sphinx cub
- a centaur foal
- a miniature minotaur
- a glutinous hafgufa
- a downy harpy
- a cronish sankhedo
- a sinuous peixala
- a fusty grumspith

Limited Edition Atlas Pages
Phylacteries will only have the following maps for this month. After this month we will be removing them and listing different pages. Remember, every phylactery comes with a map piece. These map pieces are limited edition.
- Gongen
- Llus
- Strengmire
- Khous Village
- Cannae
- Ancient Sewers
- Beneath Ancient Sewers
- Iaat Valley
- Crevonix's Rower
- Skegdald
- Necropolis
- Nagiri Caverns
- Vorrak Mines
- Demons Pass
- Al'drym Woods
- Mavitt Woods

Other Changes:
- Worts have been removed from phylacteries.
- Sigils removed from phylacteries.
- Commodities have been replaced with random plants.
- No longer get one random part from the phial of waterwalking in -every- phylactery.
- Removed the collar of taming and slightly increased the chance of getting a familiar.

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Letum, in the year 51 AM.

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