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Public News Post #6131


Written by: Shadow Warden Tekias Uymari
Date: Friday, September 22nd, 2017
Addressed to: Magister Shachalai


There will be no argument made, as I thought we had discussed when you attempted to raid the Spirean Archives. Understandable why you would use our archives to further your misguided arguments, given how your own city's archives are largely shuttered and locked away. As discussed, we need an impartial moderator to judge who is correct and who is not. You will not trust anyone remotely related to Shadow, and for similar yet not as fanatic reasons, I will refuse any you name as well. The argument, and the prize for besting you, is a fallacy from the start. You will never admit defeat and pay up. You would never admit defeat and pay up. Your grandstanding, your words to put the onus of conversation on me just so you can twist my words or the words of mine and deny all points made in favor of proof in a book you yourself wrote, just show how desperate you are to prove you are the better person.

You are not. You are a deplorable sycophant of Spirit, one who is so blinded you cannot see anything, let alone the trees in the forest. There will be no response from me. No response from the Sciomancers. No stake to claim on the gold you've so 'generously' offered.

Should any in my ranks decide to combat you with their words, they do so with no backing from me or the Sciomancers. While I am not a combatant, I know when a battle is pointless. And this will be the last I will ever mention of your proposition.

Earth Protect us, Air Elevate us, Shadow Guide us.
Shadow Warden Tekias Uymari

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 7th of Lanosian, in the year 468 MA.

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