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Public News Post #6124


Written by: Magister Shachalai
Date: Thursday, September 21st, 2017
Addressed to: Princess Marharet D'baen


'Tidings' is a word - a noun - meaning news, or information. Tidings are a thing you bring. If you're trying to parade yourself off as royalty, you should probably understand the words you're using.

'Sapience' is not a city, but a continent containing several cities. We are not 'citizens' of a continent, but inhabitants. Until such time as one city gains the necessary power to claim the entirety of the continent as their own, inhabitants we shall all remain. Unless your meaning encompasses solely those citied peoples, in which case I wonder why you are so eager to exclude townspeople and villages-

-oh, wait. I understand now. Those are the people you eat. It would make things very awkward for you if you had to look at them as actual people, wouldn't it?

In the future, something like: "People of Sapience, I bring you Corrupt tidings" would be an improvement, even if it's still remarkably pretentious. You're a vampire, though, so pretentiousness goes with the territory.

Your premise of Corruption presupposes the idea that one's temptations and desires are necessarily forbidden, and necessarily restrained in all non-Chakrasulian contexts. What if my temptations and desires consist of burning pretentious leeches alive, enjoying a nice piece of dark chocolate with wine, spending time with a lover, gaining a greater understanding of the world, and mocking ham-handed attempts at conversion to the Darkness?

What does your Dark Mother have to offer me, then? I don't want to murder and torture innocent people. I don't want to cause suffering. I don't want to destroy the world. I don't want to oppress others. None of those things hold any appeal whatsoever for me. This is a clear case of you, an evil leech, presuming that everyone secretly shares your disgusting mindset.

Your invitation is soundly rejected.

Consider instead the Light. We don't have salacious words like 'temptation', 'desire', or indeed, 'penetration' - and isn't the Dark Mother feminine? - but we offer an ideology and a practice that is, incredibly, actually sustainable when taken to its logical extremes.

Remember - vampires need the living as food, and all undead need the living to create more undead; but the living don't need either of them.


Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 5th of Lanosian, in the year 468 MA.

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