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Public News Post #6071

The Return of Corruption

Written by: Tina Cardinalis, the Tainted
Date: Saturday, May 20th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

This week the realm was greeted with the rare sight of a green twilight. It invoked feelings in most of us. Curiousity. Fear. Danger. Power. Desire. It calls to all of us differently, but we all feel its pull. A tugging at a void inside yourself. Some chosen few will be awakened by this, feel a calling. You should explore these feelings, find where they can take you.

This calling marks the return of corruption. It marks a time of great change and creation, as corruption is the catalyst behind all change and life. Things will accelerate, eras rise and fall. Those who have felt the calling and dare to go further. To explore their desires, to obtain the power to get them. To be changed, and descend the spiral as all things must, now is the time to commit yourself. If you have felt the calling, if you want to know more, if the power and desire call to you, seek us out. Join the congregation of Chakrasul or come speak with me or any of the other chosen.

To those who would stand in the way of the spiral, we welcome you as well. You can not stop the inevitable decay of things, and the more you expose yourselves to the corruption you vainly struggle to fight against, the more it will effect you and draw you in. You can not fight it without becoming it. Bath in it as you struggle and become our allies in corruption, it will happen wether you wish it to or not.

The Dark Mother walks amongst us once more. Her touch can not be escaped. Rejoice, we are all brethren in the spiral, the one force that encompasses us all. Glory to corruption, the unconquerable. Walk with us and share in the power, be true to yourself, and gain your desires.

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 7th of Ios, in the year 466 MA.

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