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Public News Post #6062

Negotiations between Iosyne and Omei

Written by: Xenia Seirath-Vetra, Iosyne's Voice
Date: Tuesday, April 18th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Dreamers ,

A short time ago representatives of the Malevolent sought to negotiate an exchange for the Muse's Tome in exchange for Iosyne's eyes. They were refused diplomacy until they took matters into hand and forced your blood to flow until you all would hear their words. Our request was scoffed at and flatly refused. All attempts to further negotiate were met with the empty threats of an egomaniac. The bluff was called, and Omeians didn't fight or stand firm and only shed tears until Omei offered release from the nightmare they crafted.

We see now why negotiations have failed-- imprisoned by your egomania, you still think yourself above us. Nay, you are no better than us and it is our duty to remind you of our equality. Our lesson is like a pill, how you swallow it up to you. Accept our terms or become the salt of Nightmare.

Omei wants the Muse's Tome, of this I am certain. Your refusal to treat with us will not go ignored and the price for the Tome has now increased. We offer the Tome in exchange for Iosyne's eyes and five Omeian volunteers to take part in our blood game tribute to Malevolence.

Seir has refused our offer for the lot of you. I wonder now if what was proposed was ever fully communicated. Appended to the end are the details of the blood game, those of you who accept send word to me.

Iosyne's Voice, Xenia Seirath-Vetra


Name: Pigeon

Objective: Be the team holding Draden?s pigeon when the time is up.

Details: Teams are formed based on the picks of their team captains. Once teams have been established, they will vie over control for Draden's pigeon for a quarter day, the team in possession of the pigeon standing victorious when the time has passed.

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 19th of Midsummer, in the year 465 MA.

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