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Public News Post #6053

Infected, Progression...and You!

Written by: Spellblade Runas dur Naya
Date: Tuesday, March 28th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone


As I have wrote to you, be it known that there have been those in primary contact with my person since the missive and the contracted progression of my Bloom symptoms. I write as a public service to keep all parties informed without any hesitation for ally or enemy to protect those of the public at large from further contamination. As is, there are many stages of the Bloom, the initial effects are not always seen at first. These stages are as follows.

1. Infection. The spores begin damaging the lungs. At this point the immediate symptoms are nonexistant.

2. Incubation. The spores take root properly and begin consuming the tissue itself. Symptoms are coughing blood, clots in the lungs, and dizziness.

3. Remission. No overt symptoms. The spores are hypothesised to be conserving essence and fostering their own growth at this stage.

4. Expansion. The infection seeks egress from the body, which causes sudden, severe and potentially lethal growths to emerge on the victim's body, which rupture to release the spores. The victim also begins to
excrete spore-derived mucus from their skin. At this stage and all further stages the infected individual is highly contagious.

5. Death. The spores assault the brain and internal organs, liquefying them. Symptoms include seizures, vomitting of organ matter, and rapid death.

Myself, currently I am at a STAGE 4 infection, bearing the expansion and contagion.

As follows these parties have been infected by contact with me since this stage:


Though they do not demonstrate current symptoms, these individuals remain at the highest risk for contagion and should be considered as infected.

Symptoms for me took numerous weeks to become present, do not allow their feeling "WELL" to disguise potential illness.

Thank you, and apologies,

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 18th of Severin, in the year 465 MA.

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