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Public News Post #6012

Auctions and idiots, a special report from Cariv on the state of dumbassery in Sapience.

Written by: Cariv D'baen, Fang of Cardinalis
Date: Sunday, September 11th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Firstly, Bloodloch is currently holding an auction of it's citizens time
and services! Read recent public news for information, and check ad 1288
for the current bids! It's not too late to win some time with yours
truly, but I'm not a cheap date!

Victorea. You are an ignorant racist! You speak of morals to
mouthbreathers who have none, preach about the murder of innocents to
morons who hunt the same territories we do, and you postulate that an
auction of our citizens time and services must precipitate the advent of
the Bloodlochian Slave Market. You are a fool and a hypocrit, and a
nobody to boot. Do yourself a favor, bid on a date, get laid, and get
over yourself and your lofty ideals and then get out in the world and do
something if you don't like the state of things, instead of preaching
from your ivory tower. I'd keep going, but you're wasting my scribes
time, and he's got better things to do as should you.

Lait. If there is any cancer infecting Sapience right now, it is the
cancerous touch of contagious stupidity that you and Akara seem intent
on infecting all of Duirnorian with. Corruption runs wild; Artifice is
the order of the day. Enorian is the true Artifice, led by the corrupt,
those hunters of the weak; Zealots with no higher purpose than self
serving greed and the manufacturing of false cancers. You spread both
the disease and the cure, in an effort to show how bright your Light
shines, when in truth your Light shines with all the strength of a
guttering candle in the fog. Your Rhythm is off beat, the music
discordant and wrong. You speak of lost causes, of the irrevocably
condemned, of the inability to bring Light to others. Is this their
failing, or yours? Those that came before you to champion a much more
brilliant flame were not so weak as to abandon their cause in favor of
wanton murder and bloodshed. They did not seek to spread false truth in
the name of Lanos, as you do with your Unbound. Would that your elders
and betters were here to educate you on what the Light once was, and
make it shine brightly again with REAL truth and dignity, with honorable
action and intent, with shining discipline and morals. Back when those
things were all more than just words spouted by ignorant children in an
attempt to draw fights from those weaker than them. If they were but
around to make that Light shine again, it might give my citizens
something to care about extinguishing once more. Alas, the Light you
champion only serves to illuminate your own deceit and failings, only
flickers over the swampy cesspool that is Enorian as a deception to draw
travellers and the lost to their doom. You are a champion of will o'
wisps at best, child. Take your hollow words and spiteful tantrums away,
and all that is left is a pathetic, scared little girl alone in the
darkness that will soon grow to consume everything she pretends to serve
and believe.

Sapience; turn your backs on these false words. See the truth in my
words, and the manipulative lies in hers. She twists pretty words and
paints pictures of lost causes and the evil, dark, corrupt, SCARY SCARY
BAD PEOPLE that live in Spinesreach solely to validate her constant
attempts to draw young Spireans and those who do not fight to their
death, yet hides away from her cause when those who might fight back
awaken and chase her out of their sewers. She is a chittering rat in the
darkness, waiting to pick clean the leftovers when nobody is looking.
She calls upon you to raze the Citadel and the collosal evil darkness
that is Spinesreach (ahaha) only to make her misguided actions appear
noble. Do not be swayed by this would be servant of corruption

Those of you not under the sway of this curse of stupidity, or with the
presence of mind to eat Goldenseal, please remember to bid (ad 1288)
before it's too late! All winning bidders will be kept anonymous, to
avoid any hardship that might come from ignorant racists and charlatans.

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 5th of Ios, in the year 461 MA.

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