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Public News Post #5689


Written by: Daskalos Qefin
Date: Tuesday, June 10th, 2014
Addressed to: Haven Locke of the Black Sun


You proclaim yourself 'Champion of the Light' but yet when you came to Enorian, you came as an agent of Darkness who sought only to use the Light as a weapon against the Spireans for turning you out. You came here with no interest in the Light, or of Fire, only to use us as your weapon to carry out your own egotistical vendetta.

You are an extremist, who burned a forest to punish a man, who sought to destroy an alliance so that our enemies could pounce. You are the man who creates problems where there are none, and would rather us focus on our allies than on the real threat. You serve yourself, and your own vendetta. We are not your weapon, not then, not now. You are weak and pathetic, grasping at the air and screaming at the top of your lungs so that others will rally to your cause, and yet, none have.

The Light is the name of the Underking's Crusade against Undeath, and while She may not like the term 'the Light' make no mistake, the elimination of Undeath is our main purpose and we will not shun any who seek to aid us, just as when the choice was given of our alliance with Duiran or your sanctimonious person, we chose the alliance.

We are not your pawns, you pathetic man. We are the chosen, who work to bring about Dawn. We are the ones who let our actions speak for us while you shout your masturbatory comments. While you converse with the Bloodlochians at their Crack in the Mountainside, we take up arms against them. Did you think we haven't noticed the amount of time you've spent with the children of Iosyne?

I would name you traitor, but the truth is, you never served the Light, you only sought to twist it as you advanced your true agenda, where you destroy every alliance built to stand against Undeath, where you seek to rip apart an Enorian that is moving forward and progressing.

I know you for what you are, Locke.

An agent of the Manipulator.

-Daskalos Qefin

Penned by my hand on the 8th of Severin, in the year 422 MA.

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