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Public News Post #5687


Written by: Daskalos Qefin
Date: Tuesday, June 10th, 2014
Addressed to: Haven Locke of the Black Sun


The Light is the name bestowed upon the Underking's Crusade. It is a tenet once espoused by Auresae, the Goddess of Fire. It is a symbol, a parasol that covers much and is very loosely defined, and only a fool seeks to define it. It is the anathema to Shadow, the enemy of Undeath.

We of Enorian are not Duiran, and we do not always see eye to eye with our more savage allies, but that does not make us any less allies.

The Dreamer opposes Undeath and that is good enough for me.

Who are you to Judge us and our actions? An outcast, too egotistical for a city that allows -me-? A Luminary who was removed because he couldn't control his urges and made it his life's mission to attack our allies while our enemies grew stronger?

Our Festival celebrates those Who stand against Undeath, in all Their forms. You are welcome to attend, and perhaps, you will learn something rather than your blind rhetoric. Just as siblings squabble, so too do the Gods. Less than a decade ago, Omei gave Enorian a gift, a vision, of Dawn.

The Light you preach of is not our Light. It is not our way. Your Light is self-serving, masturbatory, an egotistical boost to a man too scared to truly live the principles he shouts for the world to hear.

You are a disappointment, a disgrace, and I am ashamed that I ever shared a guild with you. You have this idiosyncrasy that makes you believe that those in Enorian heed your words or value your opinions.

And the Truth is... we don't.

Daskalos Qefin
Vanguard of Enorian
The ArchPrelate of Light
Hand of the Underking

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Severin, in the year 422 MA.

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