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Public News Post #5389


Written by: Archmage Xavin Taziyah
Date: Monday, April 30th, 2012
Addressed to: Ser Luna Olahri


You speak of Duiran violating the clause of diplomatic immunity.
However, that immunity was only ever intended to be allowed so long as
those granted it were not suspected of breaching the goodwill of the
organizations in question.

As you were the ONLY individual who that diplomatic immunity was
temporarily revoked for, I think I can explain just why it was not
upheld. Bluntly, it appeared that you were attempting to instigate a
raid while covered by the terms of the treaty. When guards shout for
help and there is only one person about in the area of the shouts, it is
logical to conclude that they are the culprit. This is what happened
with you. Now, that situation was resolved fairly quickly and your
status was restored once it was determined that you were not the cause.
However, your city still took it upon themselves to void the treaty and
you, personally, destroyed any goodwill that we might have afforded you
by promptly destroying council property.

Do not try to lay this at the feet of the Council of Duiran when your
Council of Seers was so stubborn as to not understand why things
happened as they did.

As for the Enorian assault on Spinesreach? They chose to act, of their
own accord, when it was found that Spinesreach did not intend to
maintain true neutrality. When it was found that Spinesreach chose to
allow Bloodloch to use their supply lines while preventing Duiran's use
of those same lines. I refuse to believe that you all were so ignorant
of the way supply lines work at the beginning of the war that you would
not have seen that your actions would be perceived as anything less than

-Xavin Taziyah

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Lleian, in the year 360 MA.

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