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Public News Post #5386


Written by: Elnur Esityi, Tina Cardinalis
Date: Monday, April 30th, 2012
Addressed to: Esrytesh Sibatti dur Naya

I don't care much for having word plays on this forum, but I suppose you
refused all private attempts at diplomacy and talking in the past cause
you prefer this public platform. As such I'll keep this short and sweet
to spare everyone's eyes.

Simply put we have no desire for an alliance with the current state that
the Duiran council is in, and there is no one but your own actions for
it. The original alliance was created in hopes it would foster bonds
between us, and in time we could heal wounds of the past and become
somewhat equals. There are obvious problems to this, such as our
acceptance of Necromancers and Undead, and at the time and still to this
day it seems you were unable to accept us as equals, without us changing
who we are vastly. The changes you wishes to see, can never be, and will
never be.

An alliance shouldn't be created in hopes that it will create bonds, the
foundations should already be there, before an alliance is struck. Till
Duiran can treat us with respect, as equals, we have no desire for an
alliance with you. We did this knowing fully wear it could be to our
great disadvantage in the future, but we would rather have such then
remain in an alliance based on dreams and hope, where we are treated
like some lesser pet.

And before you use the excuse that the people don't represent the will
of the council, let me point you to your own words. Just cause you, or
other select members of leadership don't actively participate in the
attacks and degrading contact publicly in person, doesn't mean it isn't
the will of the council. You are not the will of the council as Keeper.
You represent the ruling council of Duiran, who represent the people.
And the people are the will of the council. If the people act as such,
it is the will of the people. Especially when you adamantly refuse any
diplomatic attempts to resolve the differences.

Till the will of your council changes and is willing to try accepting us
as equals with respect, or if they already do, till the representatives
of the will of the council change to reflect and and be willing to work
with us on this, we seek no alliance and need no alliance with you. It
isn't hard to see how an alliance based on hope with someone harboring
those who kill our guards, attack novices, and make the city unsafe for
the young, isn't something in our benefit to maintain. It takes vast
efforts from both sides to make an alliance work, not toys and gifts. If
how you dealt with us is how you deal with allies, there is no
difference in being or not being allies with you, in day to day conduct
and treatment. We don't seek war, but we will defend ourselves,

Now after your recent posts I've responded. I will not be playing with
you like this again, as such discussions aren't meant for here, and
serve no real purpose. If you wish to actually discuss issues and you
have a real intention of trying to solve disputes, you know how to reach
me. I've dealt with many, and I'm not unreasonable to talk with, or too
prideful to admit if I make mistakes or was wrong on something. Not
everyone can be reasonable however. But if you wish to continue to play
games with me, I will not carry it on here. If you want to keep playing
games, you can meet me blade to blade, or play by yourself.

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Lleian, in the year 360 MA.

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