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Announce News Post #2011

Guard layouts

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Thursday, June 14th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone

I'm introducing a new, experimental system to help ease the burden of
running the Security ministry.

This system will allow the Security ministry to save guard layouts on an
individual room basis, allowing for easy recover of guards after a loss.
A brief summary of the commands and how they work follow.

GUARDS by itself will list the syntaxes for you.

- This will display the guard layout for your current room.

GUARDS ASSIGN <#> <type>
- This will assign # of a specific guard type to be placed in
the room.
- For type, use HighGuard, HighMage, MedGuard, LowMage, or

- Clear the guard layout for your current room.

The following commands only work from the city barracks:

- A list of each room with a layout and its totals.

- A summary showing the sums of your planned guards vs actual

- This command will attempt to move guards into rooms that have
planned their presence via layout.
- Please note that it may shuffle ANY guard in the city when
used, so any guards that have been set to manually guard a
room without a layout will most likely need to be reassigned.
- Guards will be set to 'Guard' mode. If you want them to
patrol or sentinel, you will need to set that manually
- Using this command will cause all guards in your city to not
attack enemies for 30 minutes. Be wary.

- If your actual guards are less than your planned guards, this
command will automatically hire the remaining guards you
- Guards will be placed in the barracks.


That's more or less it!

Please remember that this system is experimental, and we may be making
changes to it after review of its performance.

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Ios, in the year 364 MA.

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