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Public News Post #20199

Flowers like Dung Too

Written by: Rootsworn Zenii Corten-Ta'sa, Speaker of Eleusis
Date: Thursday, March 22nd, 2018
Addressed to: Jy'Rakym Dunn, Herald of the Outer Cold

My dearest Dunn, and those that follow your lies,

After a year of war it is, indeed, time to reflect. I could make claims, like you, that we have slaughtered your numbers repeatedly, that we've defiled your shrines, and that we've held our own against your cult.

I, unlike you, however, choose to base my statements in facts. I will
therefore happily say the following:

-The Rheodad Forest has been our own, and has been patrolled monthly for shrines. We have steadily removed your illegal shrines each time you've replaced them, which woefully took up to 6 months. You've even conceded, in a few different ways, stating you "probably won't re-raise those, because they are so far away". An excellent spin on your incompetence.

-Likewise your shrines in the Bog of Ashtan and the Sirrocian Mountains
have fallen repeatedly. Those who have sought to defend them have been
slain many times. Your totems have been uprooted, and reduced to one
lonely totem outside your headquarters.

-We have defended our village against many attacks, and many of your
numbers fell not only to Nature's Rangers, but to our treekins, elementalists, and briar knights on the way in. I dare say you'd think after a year of war your infiltrators would learn how not to stand within range of our hired defense.

I will praise you for one thing, however, and that is your ability to
chase down my Rangers at all days of the month. While successful in
slaying us, it does nothing to further war by anyone's standards. It is
perhaps for this lack of tact or foresight that you do not stand by your brethren in the order of Lord Aegis, but rather hide in the shadows of your cult.

I will admit my own fault, as it takes a leader to be able to do that, many of the circumstances of the rifts have been brought to light, however that does not change the threat that Oblivion poses and the ancient laws you ignore that We are here to enforce.

We have stated our demands, which align with our beliefs and have the
specific goal in mind of ridding the forests of a shrine that has been
banned from their confines for centuries. Your responses have not been
so clear, so I ask you now.

What is it you have to gain from this, and does it truly outweigh the
cost in essence you have been met with?

In Nature's Service,
Speaker Zenii Corten-Ta'Sa

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Daedalan, in the year 767 AF.

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