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Public News Post #20122

Found: Kite

Written by: Lady Skye B. Anchors, Tempest of Neraeos
Date: Friday, December 1st, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Hi everyone!

Thanks to everyone, we found the kite again. It seems that we are able to use the kite to lure the Mistral across the air currents all the way to Sapience! This does not seem to be enough though, because somehow it really really likes Meropis and will eventually lose interest in favour of heading back south.

The kite is probably currently blowing around all over the place again. If you find it, this is what you need to do:

We're going to try and bring the Mistral in contact with at least one other conduit. At the moment our options are: Jeramun or Bataoac since the Sorceress is out of reach.

Find a large group of at least ten people and take the kite to Bataoac's Shoulder or wherever Jeramun is burning up. I understand there is a warp on the Delosian bridge to Bataoac now so you might find that speedier.

At your destination, place the kite on the ground and give it a strong PULL. Everyone needs to pull. Without sufficient anchorage the kite won't be able to fly. If you have enough people the kite will take off and lure the Mistral!

Caution: Please don't try to fly the kite in forested areas. For obvious reasons.

Good luck fishing the Mistral!


Penned by my hand on the 20th of Aeguary, in the year 758 AF.

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