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Public News Post #20117

Recent events

Written by: Admiral Mercer Frey, Knot of the Underwood
Date: Sunday, November 26th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone


It is interesting that you presume to speak for ?the majority of Sapience?, when high ranking members of your own city expressed concerns during the meeting in New Thera. The fact is, there seems to be no definitive consensus about how best to proceed. There are discussions and debates happening even as I write this across many cities and organizations.

As to the activities of the Sea Witch. I'm not sure what qualifies as a ?rampage? in Mhaldor but sail your ship within fifty metrons of her and then give me your definition. She is flooding the oceans with powerful monsters and so far, we are totally unable to engage her were that even an option on the table.

To quote your response, "After that, the war of the elemental lords must be dealt with, somehow.". Having no plan for this when all four elemental forces are loosed on the world is exactly what seems to be giving people pause. It is not a universally accepted conclusion that having all four forces active on our plane at once will stabilize the situation.

It is up to the leadership of each city to decide how they will meet this crisis. I will follow the lead of the Village of Eleusis in this matter. The purpose of my missive was not attack the Mhaldorian position, as you seem to think by your adversarial tone, but to illicit from you some form of solid rationality for your thinking so that the rest of us may proceed with a complete picture.

I stand by my suggestion that we bring about a meeting between the Flame and the Witch before taking any other action. No reason to blindly trust the Vigil has been given, and we should not hand them the Horn or any other key to resolving this crisis until we know exactly who they are. If they want to help us so badly, let them instruct us on how to use these items ourselves without the cryptic riddles.

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Glacian, in the year 757 AF.

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