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Public News Post #20116

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Written by: Insid'ari Kiet Aristata al-Azhan
Date: Sunday, November 26th, 2017
Addressed to: Admiral Mercer Frey, Knot of the Underwood


The majority of Sapience already trusts the information I've given, given we spent all of last month working together to try and solve the clue.

That the clue refers to the horn was figured out last month, too. It was first blown in Ka'doloki through our joint efforts.

If you choose to cover your eyes and ears and remain suspicious, so be it. The world will fight back without you. The Vigil might be mysterious, and I understand why that causes suspicion. But unless someone has a better, concrete idea, this is our best approach. It's far superior to simply sitting around trying to throw ourselves at Jeramun, isn't it? It was the Vigil's clue that let us wake the sea witch, and you'll notice she's not rampaging the same way Jeramun is.

The logic is not that fire and water cancel each other out, so it'll prove nothing if their meeting does not solve the issue. The logic is that the elemental balance has tipped too far in fire's favour. Water alone will not cancel this out, since the balance of the elements is four-fold. All four conduits must be awakened. After that, the war of the elemental lords must be dealt with, somehow. You'll note that the passing of the Lord of the Elements is what's referenced in the missive, and it's the reason for this war in the first place. The four elements can only coexist in a way that is beneficial to our world if they remain in balance.

--Insid'ari Kiet Aristata

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Glacian, in the year 757 AF.

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