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Public News Post #20115

Recent events. The Flame of the World and the Sea Witch.

Written by: Admiral Mercer Frey, Knot of the Underwood
Date: Sunday, November 26th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone


I believe in your self interest. I do not however know of this mysterious Vigil with whom you are in communication. I do not know what their agenda is or why they should be trusted.

I think this is a question that many are asking. If you wish to rally the world to follow this prescribed path of action and unleash these titanic elemental forces, you will have to supply reasoning that is compelling or you will be met with a lackluster and divided response at best.

As to the cryptic nonsense "she will answer to the sound of gold along the shore.". This is a reference to The Horn of the Tides, a massive magical horn that seems to appear in different locations around Sapience. Just this month it appeared in Tasur'ke, and was found to summon the Sea Witch to a close proximity near the harbour.

It was brought up during the meeting in New Thera that Jeramun is apparently moving in a particular direction. I do not know if it is possible to influence his movements, but it is clearly possible to direct the Sea Witch. Perhaps a meeting of these two is in order? If the logic is that fire and water will cancel one another out then surely we need not unleash any other forces at all. If upon their meeting this does not happen, it may prove that the Vigil has some other purpose.

Mercer Frey
Admiral of Eleusis

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Glacian, in the year 757 AF.

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