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Public News Post #20105


Written by: Gavriil J. Celes'Ciel, The Rose
Date: Friday, November 10th, 2017
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

I have come to hold Nature sacred over the course of my life. Somehow it manages to strive and survive during what would seem to the unaware to be chaos. However, what is chaotic for the fly is not chaotic for the spider. It is simply a part of the unending cycle.

Although I can understand the want of convenience, for the peoples of Targossas to reconnect to the ancient Shallamese holy site of Jaru. It would be akin to me trying to replant myself in hopes of returning to my roots. Sometimes what one wants or longs for simply cannot happen.

More important than my own feelings are the impact to Nature that this road would cause. The Initial building phase alone would displace hundreds of animals, and destroy miles of plant life.

Another point to consider would be the long-term repercussions a project like this could cause, sometimes the balance in nature can be extremely fragile and one change can cause a massive ripple effect that impacts things more than we would normally consider.

Regardless of how I feel, it seems this conflict will end with great bloodshed. While I wish this was not the case, this is something that seems to be inevitable with the course that both the Village of Eleusis and the City of Targossas is on.

Others may still have hope that this can be settled peacefully. However, it has been made extremely clear that neither side will back down at this point in time. Perhaps cooler heads will prevail in the future, perhaps not. I simply give my life and my service to Nature, and do what is best for her.

Some may wish to see this conflict escalate rapidly, into full blown warfare, and if it is what is needed to ensure that Nature is protected then so be it.

Eleusis is my home. I stand with Rangor.

Gavriil J. Celes'Ciel, The Rose

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Lupar, in the year 756 AF.

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