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Public News Post #20100


Written by: Alyxeri
Date: Friday, November 10th, 2017
Addressed to: Harbinger Novitiate Shanei, Tiny Minister

Disregarding the incredible amounts of irony and condescending littered throughout your post...

Creation wants nothing from any of us, except perhaps for the majority to die out and stop trying to fight over it. No city-state, Eleusis included, knows what's best for it. The only One that does, no longer has His attention on us. Perhaps the sooner everybody learns that, the sooner Creation will truly be able to thrive.

Regarding Ashtan, Mhaldor, and Shallam. Well, if you knew as much about history as you're trying to show off, you'd know that Eleusis was not discovered until much, much longer after all three of those cities were. A village can hardly care about something if they do not exist at the time, yes?

Secondly, if you knew about Darkenwood's history and Lady Artemis's ties to that, you'd know that too remains the way it is, not because the villagers of Eleusis don't want to do anything about it, but because it's for the better of the forest that we don't.

Personally, I don't much care about a road, moreso about the unnecessary additional destruction that oft follows in the wake of such constructions.

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Valnuary, in the year 756 AF.

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