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Public News Post #20068

The Murdered Seneschal, a Hashani murder mystery

Written by: Berlewen Ar'kena d'Amvolo, Wellspring Celebrant
Date: Thursday, September 28th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

This morning, at dawn, the Seneschal was found dead at the Crossroads. His corpse was recognised by the bearskin around his shoulders and the S-shaped scar on his chest rather than by the face, as blunt trauma left him badly disfigured. The pool of blood around the body made it obvious that the foul deed was performed where he fell, yet a quick search revealed no weapon present. Gred the humgii was questioned. He had not seen anything, nor had he been fed anything during the night. The Ministry of Culture is offering a reward to those who discover the Seneschal's murderer, the instigator of the murder and the weapon that was used to bring forth this bloody death.

How to proceed with the investigation?

There are eight black letters to be found within the Hashani walls. Four letters will indicate a weapon, possibly discarded by the murderer. Which one of these four was used to kill the Seneschal?

The four other letters are found at the possible murder suspects. Which one of these four is guilty of the actual crime?

Study the contents of the letters found at the murder suspects to learn why they may have committed this crime. Can you guess who sent the letter to your chosen murderer, pushing them to undertake such a drastic measure?

Your mission, should you accept it, is to find the murder weapon, the murderer and instigator of the murder. You have ten months to conclude your investigations and deductions.

How to send your reports?

You can send me one report per month by message (no letters!). The message must contain your three separate clues (one murderer, one weapon, one instigator. Example of a good message: "I think the Seneschal was murdered by Liirup, with a butterfly net, prompted by a letter from Damaris."). A month will be seen as from Serenade to Serenade for the duration of this game.

I will reply which of your guesses were correct. The first person to guess the correct combination can claim the reward. Smaller rewards will be given to the second and third person to discover the gruesome facts.

Please note: Messages from enemies of Hashan will be rejected.

Please also note: Yes, this means that everyone else is invited to participate!

Search the Shadows!
Berlewen Ar'kena d'Amvolo,
Wellspring Celebrant

Disclaimer: This game is completely fictional. No Seneschal was harmed in the making or execution of this game. The Murder Suspects did not commit an actual murder as far as the Ministry of Culture is aware.

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Aeguary, in the year 753 AF.

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