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Public News Post #19998

a reply to your 'offer'

Written by: Coamenel Ardashyr
Date: Friday, May 19th, 2017
Addressed to: Commandant Aegoth Aristata, the Holocaust King

To the Holocaust King,

Thank you for your post. I thought it was a very entertaining read, please do make more of these. I respond to it, as I think it would be very inpolite to just completely ignore it.

You complain that the forces of Nature respond to your offenses in too big numbers. How inconsiderate of us! I'm sure every Achaean feels for your poor overwhelmed soldiers, who are so unfairly opposed by a host of defenders. While all they wanted to do was to destroy that what gives us all the gift of life itself! Really, I would actually care about it if it wouldn't have been such a pathetic complaint. I wonder though, are your forces measured against the amount of squirrels, birds and plants when you terminate their lives?

Luckily for us, your charitable self shines through in your offer to us. We are to simply forgive every crime against Nature, and you will do exactly nothing in return for it. Your forces have been exterminating, raiding and defiling for over centuries and now you threaten us to do exactly that if we do not absolve enemy status for all of you? Really, you bring something to the table here, oh my!

I'm sure you believe that none but the Malevolent One may claim anything at all. But it is the Wildwood Queen who guides Creation itself. It is Lady Artemis who will rain down on your soldiers trying to exterminate Nature in any form.

Let's make this perfectly clear, Holocaust King, we, the people of Eleusis, reject your 'term'. There will be NO general pardon for the crimes that you and your soldiers have committed, now and in the past.

Those who wish to resolve their enemy status with Nature, can seek out the High-Warden. As always.

In Service to Nature,

Coamenel Ardashyr

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Lupar, in the year 742 AF.

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