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Public News Post #19940

A Response

Written by: Micaelis al Nadir, Voice of Light
Date: Friday, January 27th, 2017
Addressed to: Coamenel Ardashyr

Coamenel Ardashyr,

It cannot be argued that the existence of mortality and the resultant constructs as a result have had both negative and positive effects on any given thing, whether it be Nature, a specific Faith, or any valid way of life.

You may be right.

Nature, free of manipulation and oppression to meet an end, is a beautiful thing. You will find nothing but support, personal grievances aside, from any intelligent Targossian in the path you have chosen. It is a noble path, and it is one with inherent value, but in the process of fulfilling your oath you have systematically painted all that is in black or white.

There may come a day when Targossas and Eleusis need to fight, a day where we are considered the greatest threat to Nature. A day when the Dawnspear stands as the greatest affront to the eventual progression of the natural world and all its bounty. I cannot know the Truth of this, and I will not claim to do so for I have taken a vow to never tell a lie, but in any event that day is not this day.

Allow us to fulfill our pledge, to provide you with a world free of the threat of the Void, free of Oppression, Darkness, Evil and any other threat that could eternally damn Nature along with everything else that is pure and beautiful. Allow us to do our jobs, with or without your help. Allow us this trespass. When all is said and done, and there exists no greater threat to Creation and Nature than Targossas itself, then I will gladly kneel before you and offer you my life so that you may use my corpse to repair any damage I have personally done to Nature in the process of fulfilling this end.

We are not your enemies, at least not yet. You are certainly not ours. You wish to protect and allow the natural Growth of Nature, yet so do we. The stone and iron of Targossas matters little as the Void approaches. The terraforming of the Silverveil is irrelevant as we all kneel to the will of Sartan. The gleam of the Sword of Dunamis is but a passing effect in comparison to the untold damage from the eclipse of Darkness.

I know little comes of ranting diatribes upon the Public news boards, and I do not hold hope that the words of a simple servant of the Bloodsworn will sway a century-old vendetta. I do hope, someday, that you will see who we are for what it is. Whether we die or survive our fight with the enemies of Creation and Nature is not a Truth known to us. Either way, as our corpses are consumed by Nature in the eventual progression of mortality, I do hope you recognize our service and Sacrifice and remember our lives and deaths with fondness.

In service,

Micaelis al Nadir

Voice of Light

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Phaestian, in the year 733 AF.

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