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Public News Post #19937

your recent post

Written by: Knot Coamenel Ardashyr
Date: Friday, January 27th, 2017
Addressed to: Aodfionn Wintermourne, Troll of the Aarash Kheyr


As I said, I am not one for lengthy readings and writings, but I will make time for a response to you anyway.

You claim Targossians have been asking the same thing for a long time. I find this statement amusing, since the city Targossas has only existed for what? 100 years? Let's not pretend that is a long time. Should you wish to refer to Shallam, you are after all little more but a next-level Shallam, I am born Shallamese. I have served the Chrysalis Basilica and seen it's 'ideals'. It was little more than "Thou shall live thy life to our standards", I soon tossed away the chain that was the Church and felt the warm embrace of Nature. You may laugh in response, I care not. The intent of my post was to offer this embrace to those that are not so narrow minded to willingly let their lives and standards lead on by others.

When you say "advances and grows" I assume you actually mean "goes to war with villain X or Y" over an interpretation of one of your priests?. You claim to understand the Charter, yet you speak of adapting Nature to your needs, to 'enrich' and 'strengthen' their lives. Even if we ignore the complete misunderstanding you display here, the question remains: "enrich with what?"." Nowhere in your post do I find an example of such an enrichment to which we should bend something that does not need to be bent. You speak as if living in harmony with Nature automatically turns you into a caveman, something your fellow citizens have referred to as well, which is a ridiculous assumption. Non of the villagers are cavemen and you know pretty damn well. You can have a peaceful life in harmony with Nature and friends, no war would exist if we would all embraced such a life. Yet you choose the falsity of urbanisation because of the promise of 'growth' and 'enrichment'.

We can not help those who do not wish to be helped, my post stands for those who are not blinded by the doctrines of the Church, be it Evil or Good. We welcome all, friend or foe, that wish to learn about Nature. It is our mission to do so.

As a sidenote, I pity you and the choice you have made, I wish you all the strength in your civilized existance.

Aegoth, I'm sure you'll find plenty to whine about in this post. I'd like to say this to you: "Cry me a river".

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Lupar, in the year 733 AF.

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