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Events News Post #572

A Fiery Reckoning

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Monday, April 3rd, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

With grim resolve and unwavering dedication, the forces of the Dawnspear rallied at the appointed time and place, answering the call of the Caefir Conlaodh, those few faithful of the Righteous Fire, to accomplish the impossible: a successful cleansing within the Seat of Chaos.

For years had the fervent few who serve as Vessels of Lord Deucalion plotted and planned their attack. Countless hours spent in tasks ranging from esoteric study of the energies of Creation, meditation, ritual design, and the bloody work needed to gather the necessary essence culminated in this one moment of time where opportunity met preparation.

To begin, they marched to Adroushan, the Divine Conflagration's temple on the Prime. There they conducted the necessary rituals to blur the line between mortal and divine, Torinn Chiragh infusing Farrah Roualt with the essence of the Righteous Fire, marking her as His first Avatar.

This first step complete, they moved in force to Ashtan, their target picked out and communicated to Siduri Azagnanna who provided them rapid access to this most profane of locations: the Arboretum of Enlightenment.

There did they entrench their military might to withstand the Ashtani defence while the necessary preparations were made and Talamond Averial explained the history of the place to those gathered. Once the patterns were drawn and congregation prepared, intent became reality as Targossas raised their voices as one to the heavens, using the fervour of their faith to call down the power of the Justice That Is.

Lord Deucalion cast His gaze upon the Prime, feeling for the first time the searing echo of His power in the form of His Avatar. Long had His Caefir struggled to meet His unrelenting expectation of excellence. Long had their efforts been met with impatient demands to be better. For the first time they stood, unbroken, answering His challenge with one of their own, offering up a place long loathed by Him, prepared for His intervention.

Manifesting over the vulnerable city, the Divine Conflagration did chide the mortals within for their choice to ally with Chaos, enemy of Creation. He finished the work His Vessels had started, unwinding the divine protections that encased the Arboretum and relentlessly purging the writhing Chaos within through His flame.

All that remains of the ancient and blasphemous place is ash and a marker, warning those who would attempt to rebuild the occult work of Servelan de Vermiis.

Plans for retribution now kindle in the north as ashes stir underfoot.


Summary: After years of planning and effort, the Caefir Conlaodh of Lord Deucalion led the forces of Targossas in an ambitious cleansing within the Seat of Chaos itself, calling upon the Righteous Fire Himself to manifest and burn away the Arboretum of Enlightenment.

Penned by My hand on the 13th of Mayan, in the year 738 AF.

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